So, following on from my last couple of posts (here, here and here), the Government’s house building plans have been revealed. Excellent hope for a future generation – my only serious concern is the 40% limit for ‘affordable’… and whether developers will still try to use loopholes, that have been played incessantly for years gone, to ‘re assign plans’.
Here’s an idea… a national state owned not for profit builder… it’s capital investment and can be internally controlled, avoiding loophole playing… so yeah, private investment is absolutely needed and smaller profits can still be generated… just a thought?
One other interesting angle to public purse… remember the ‘disgusting bankers’ bonuses’… or ‘fat cats’ bonuses’ furore… ???…
It’s ‘hot news’ apparent that mandarins across civil service get huge performance bonuses on top of similar fat cat salaries (many above the Prime Minister salary)… yes, set up by previous governments as many will argue… my question back is… will these be curtailed now and scrutinised as value for money bonuses only applicable on actually delivering stuff?
Let’s hope so.