This theme, relates from a day out,
courtesy of S.C.T, with the
attendance of students and tutors.
S.C.T offers courses and workshops,
from Monday to Friday. For people
who have experienced homelessness and
Mental health issues. Awareness should
and must always be the key, available
to all. Unfortunately, in communities,
and societies, it is not always the case.
On a hot Summer day,
I could hear the chatter and laughter
of my peers, my heart filled with
joy and looking forward to the day,
so far, at Acorn House. Immediately,
I was greeted by those I know so well,
in the group, and some I did not know,
I introduced myself, as I write this,
tears are falling down my cheeks.
This proves to you my dear readers,
belonging to such associations, saves
my right to live and improves my life
on a daily basis. I made friends, whom
I relate through their experiences,
strength and hopes. And also they have improved
their own lives. As some said, I hope
I will be allowed to attend those courses,
that S.C.T will not dismiss me. But knowing very well, that is not the case. The
fear still lingers, we are all Human
beings after all. A fact.
As the morning developed its wings,
the group gathered together, in line
or in groups, taking public transport,
courtesy of TFL. The vigilance of the
tutors always at hand, a reassurance
or annoyance, for some, there will be
always some: “I cannot believe it”,
the grumpies, all welcome.
Bringing people together, the name
of the game. It is what community,
friendship is all about, isn’t it?
Kew train station, coupon and oyster
cards blipped and ticked.
At last, destination, Kew Gardens,
here we are! Tickets distribution,
we gathered together, large group or
small group, the chatters and excitement
begun. Tutors’ reminders of behaving
ourselves, of course Governor!
We all took our minds, thoughts
and bodies, for the mystery and
discovery of Nature at the Royal
Botanic Gardens. Common people
and aristocracy, all inclusive!
Promenades and photos taken with
mobile phone, thank you so much
for contemporary technologies.
Here are a display of images taken
through the day. Please, dear readers,
do enjoy the article and pictures,
of this exclusive journey, through
Kew Gardens.
Please do breathe in and breathe out,
And do let your imagination wanders,
Is it that life is all about?
All welcome the discovery of Nature began.
Marc Qinn, light into life.
David Attenborough,
Time capsule, 1980’s.
Imagination recaptured.
Hello, Greetings to Cactus land?
All together, now!
Hey. You? Enough staring?
Please, move along!
Hello! My name is? Sorry, I forgot.
The beehive . No buzz around?
Fantastic architecture.
For your eyes only!
Entanglement of nature.
Greens and wood for all of us
to wonder. For the eye of the beholder.
Tree and duck?
Camouflage, is nature is
Art in the Pagoda.
Nature inspired.
The adventure continues.
In the jungle?
Gratitude to Kew.