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13 reports
I hope to use my time alongside my Groundswell Colleagues to enact changes in our current broken and underfunded system of support.
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32 reports
I am a freelance journalist interested in empowering vulnerable communities to have their stories heard
5 reports
Anne Enith Cooper is a contributor to The Pavement Magazine, an activist, occasional public speaker and recent writer-in-residence at Cressingham Gardens which led publication of 306: Living Under the Shadow of REGENERATION.
Anon 1
8 reports
People experiencing homelessness are almost always inaccurately depicted throughout all media platforms. Stereotypes of homelessness are perpetuated in the media more than anything. News outlets, for one, too often take the humanity out of the information they provide. This project enables me to feel listened to and be part of the drive for positive change. I’ve gained new skills and met new people. It gives me a sense of being connected and improves my confidence.
Anon 2
1 reports
1 reports
F V H is a moment in time; where love once lived
49 reports
Charlie Radbourne has more than six years, peer support and advocacy experience. Sitting on many service user forums and local authority committees. Due to mental health problems, coming under CMHT and the crisis team, Charlie spent eight months sleeping rough and in the local night shelter, then four years in a hostel / supported accommodation.
4 reports
I'm Claire, I'm 43 years old and almost 3 years ago I was released after serving a life sentence. My chaotic life style started at the age of 17 when I find myself without a roof over my head and addicted to drugs. Since my release, I have found a job with a local charity. They fought to get the funding to employ me and give me another chance. I now volunteer alongside work to help others. I'm also passionate about systems change.
6 reports
Denise Harrison is an award-winning writer and film-maker, whose writing career began back in 2017 when she was newly in recovery and living in a homeless hostel. As a way to cope in an ever-changing and often challenging environment (and also as a way to understand herself and to try and make peace with her demons) she began to write, and her website "Just A Girl-My Life" ( was born.
11 reports
I am a mother of 4, an artist, and a survivor of domestic violence/childhood sexual abuse. I work with Groundswell focusing on supporting women and also as peer support to women with mental illness. I myself have dual disability EUPD and CPTSD. I tell stories through the written and spoken word, and create artwork about people's words being spells.
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27 reports
Hello everyone, my name is John Chikondewa Mpaso and I am 29 years old. I am from Harare, Zimbabwe and I have lived in England for 19 years now. Ever since moving to England in 2004, I have lived in Coventry. Currently I am an Outreach Officer for an organisation called ININI which focuses on providing mental health services to Migrant and Local Communities. I am also Commitee Secretary for an organisation called CARAG (Coventry Asylum Refugee Action Group), which specialises in providing a range of services for Migrants and Refugees living in Coventry and the West Midlands.
68 reports
Hi I'm Karen from Manchester it's great to meet you all. I'm a recovering alcoholic, I experienced a short time of homelessness many years ago, I'm a survivor of domestic abuse and I'm happy to say I've come through it all. I volunteered at a local Alcohol and Substance Abuse centre where I qualified as a Peer Mentor. I now care for my elderly dad who is housebound and I feel blessed to be able and well enough to do this. I hope as part of this Community Reporting team our stories can contribute to making a difference to homelessness and health inequalities and shine a light on any other injustices we come across.
3 reports
I was born in Kolebu hospital, Accra, Ghana. In October 1982. My name Kwaku means I was born on Wednesday. I came to UK in 2015 to seek sanctuary because of my sexual orientation. I had been facing a lot of harassment and intimidation in my country. There was homophobia and I got beaten with injuries. I almost died because of my sexual orientation. When I came to UK I found family and friends, they accepted me as a family member. I am a gay man my pronouns are HE/HIM. I really feel in UK.
11 reports
Hi my name is Laura, I am a tour guide based in Manchester, educating people around issues people are facing with homelessness. I started this reporting to report on issues facing people who I know and meet, to say what is on their minds and for people to understand what's happening with others.
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13 reports
I look forward to being part of the team, rejoining and working with some of my previous colleagues on this project.
0 reports
I was born and I am. That's a fact. Not necessarily in chronological order- Singer. Poet. Soldier. Veteran. Drinker. Manager. Alcoholic. Owner. Shoemaker. Busker. Sailor. Painter. Homeless. Sober. Volunteer. Peer/mentor. Reporter. I know who I was who I am and I have no idea who I will be.
10 reports
Hi, my name is Mark. I’m an ethical entrepreneur and have lived experience from all sorts. Recovery is not linear, although I aim to make it a bit more flat for all of us. Thank you.
Project Officer
33 reports
Mat came to Groundswell in 2018 after several years as a volunteer for the Pavement Magazine where he is now Deputy Editor.
Maya Bly
2 reports
Maya Bly is a journalist and organiser with many years’ experience in activism and not-for-profit organisations. Due to a long-standing health condition, she is unable to work full time.
66 reports
I'm Miles, dad of two, lived in York for 33 yrs whose overcome homelessness and addiction to become a local reporter for Groundswell since 2020 sharing my experience and thoughts on various aspects of my journey.
8 reports
Morshed is a first-generation immigrant originally from Bangladesh. He was graduated in Drama and Dramatics from Jahangirnagar University (Bangladesh), and Business Studies from University of Roehampton (UK). Most of his life he worked in financial sector, but kept his artistic interest alive, so is his journalist mind.
5 reports
I’m Nawshin, I’ve done a lot of policy work with Groundswell in the form of YouTube, podcasts and writing. Whilst also being on boards/steering groups for people participation in East London, NHS Foundation Trust. I have 13+ years experience in people/project management and advocacy for marginalised groups.
30 reports
Paul Atherton FRSA is a campaigning film-maker, playwright & artist. He achieved most of this whilst homeless, an ongoing experience that has been his life for over a decade in London.
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14 reports
I'm Sheryle Thomas. I live in London . I was homeless on/ off for 24 years. I am now in supported housing. I am a keen activist / feminist who helps support women experiencing homelessness and volunteers within a group to help with period poverty whilst experiencing homelessness.
9 reports
Shift is a Listen Up reporter
16 reports
Steve has roots in Manchester but travelling and meeting people from all walks of life while discussing the price of chips is something that Steve would describe as a perfect day! As a result he has recently moved to London.
Project Officer
39 reports
Hi I'm Tess, I work for Groundswell and have a long history of mental illness. During a particularly bad patch I sofa surfed for a while. I have a very opinionated cat and live near Manchester, although I'm formerly from Stoke-on-Trent. I'm passionate about making sure nobody is disadvantaged due to their circumstances or background, and that people ought to be able to choose their own labels.
12 reports
I came from a very broken home where drug dealing was rife. Since the small age of 12 I've been a street kid, sleeping in the back of cars that were open, bank doorways for the heater at night and so on. I've come from my own version of hell like the rest of us. The past 5 years or so I've managed to level myself out and escape gang culture and addiction. I now volunteer at drug treatment program helping people in recovery through sports and fitness. It's good to be part of a team that all want to make a difference. I just want to reiterate that anything I write is just my informed opinions which usually get me hated so please don’t take anything I say as gospel. I am always open to suggestion and change and also open to other people’s opinions and input.
2 reports
Tom Hughes is a former business and technology journalist who stopped writing at the very end of his twenties and finally started writing again when nearly forty. He is lucky enough to have lived a highly unusual and interesting life. Punctuated, sadly, with long periods of both severe chronic and acute depression. He has suffered repeated bouts of homelessness and insecure housing over the last ten years. Tom's major current interest is how you stop people who have suffered homelessness returning to homelessness. The problem, as he sees it, is how you support, encourage and help homeless people. But do so in a way that is sustainable and effective. Where they do not become homeless again in the medium or long term.
14 reports
Landed as a Human Being, Here on Earth in 1967 contemporary era. Linguistics consisting as Alien, French, English. Please choice at Demand and Supply, subject to availability on a daily basis. Educational curriculum in France, tick! Hospitality for three ages, sailor for twelve moons, swimming the seven seas, support worker for Aeons. On a journey following the four seasons, slowly or quickly, pretty vagrant, now I am…to be to continued. Gratitude to Groundswell.
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