Blogs Reports

The King’s Parliament Confirms Child Poverty Isn’t A First Priority

Reported by Miles

Published on Thursday, July 18th, 2024

Bureaucracy Poverty
Blogs Reports

The King’s Parliament Confirms Child Poverty Isn’t A First Priority

Written by Miles

Published on Thursday, July 18th, 2024



Well, I didn’t believe I’d be writing literally a couple of days after my last post!!

There were some good, positive news items in the King’s speech today around housing and planning, especially for someone who reports on homelessness and the huge challenges people face when that happens!

The GLARING OMISSION… children’s futures can wait until the country can afford it… families are promised change will arrive… but in the meantime: heat, eat, live on free fresh air whilst the government pump money into anything but addressing child poverty.

Disgusting is too shallow a word for me.

Welcome to a whole new generation who are potentially going to maintain empty bellies, struggle to keep warm in the family house that’s possibly going to be repossessed, left concentrating on getting through a school day with no tea awaiting them after 4pm until tomorrow’s breakfast club.

Ask an alien looking down on the UK today… I’m guessing ET won’t be phoning home with positivity about your social responsibility vision. Some may disagree and prefer to blame parents for selfishly creating future taxpayers that then are trapped into becoming the funders for today’s elders’ retirement.


Over to you Keir and Co… a backlash is only a matter of clicks away if you think child poverty isn’t strategic… they’ll remember you when they come to vote.


Written by Miles

I'm Miles, dad of two, lived in York for 33 yrs whose overcome homelessness and addiction to become a local reporter for Groundswell since 2020 sharing my experience and thoughts on various aspects of my journey.

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Bureaucracy Poverty

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