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Anne Enith Cooper is a contributor to The Pavement Magazine, an activist, occasional public speaker and recent writer-in-residence at Cressingham Gardens which led publication of 306: Living Under the Shadow of REGENERATION.

Born upside down, born blue, under a waxing gibbous moon, a little after midnight, six months before the Cuban Missile Crisis, diagnosed bipolar 34 years later. She has been described as, “the love child of Fox Mulder and Patti Smith, secretly adopted by Leon Lederman.”

In this incarnation she has created collage, montage, concrete and matter poetry, the collection Touched, workshops and live literature events. She is the founder of The Way of Words. Anne’s writing draws on auto-bio, myth, popular culture and current affairs. Her poem-essay 21st Century Guernica was described by the former MP Tony Benn as, “Powerful and deeply moving.”

She is a member of NAWE, Poets for the Planet and Malika’s Poetry Kitchen. Her elegiac poem This is A Prayer features in their 2021 anthology Too Young, Too Loud, Too Different. She has performed in London and New York. She believes another world is possible saying, “I’ve felt her breathe on my face.”