
Sheryl talks about her work with ‘Tricky Period’

Reported by Sheryle

Published on Wednesday, May 12th, 2021

Volunteering and Employment Women's Perspectives

Sheryl talks about her work with ‘Tricky Period’

Written by Sheryle

Published on Wednesday, May 12th, 2021

Volunteering and Employment

Women's Perspectives

Sheryl Thomas is the latest reporter to join the project. In her first report she writes about the work she does with Tricky Period .  I lifted this quote from their website “We ensure that the process to receive products is simple, discreet and most importantly No Questions Asked . (click here for more details on how the process works) 

I started volunteering with Tricky Period around one year ago after experiencing street homelessness as a female and I wanted to help others who have found themselves in a similar situation. Tricky Period is a period poverty initiative developed by a grassroots homeless group, Streets Kitchens. Tricky Period regularly supplies products to women experiencing homelessness via our Street Kitchen tables, breakfast outreach and showerbox outreach service. Fortunately, through Covid restrictions we were still able to provide through the outreach services who have still been operating throughout Covid 19.

We have also been working alongside libraries as we found they were a safe, non -judgemental space to access. Unfortunately, when they had to close due to lockdown guidelines, we had to adapt to the changes that were happening by setting up a website which we updated regularly to supply information on where to collect sanitary products whilst places were shut and we also provided an email address so we could be contacted if anyone had any questions, needed any information or help. I am very passionate about the service we provide, and we are hoping with the restrictions now being slowly lifted, we can get more period supplies out to those who need them.

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Written by Sheryle

I'm Sheryle Thomas. I live in London . I was homeless on/ off for 24 years. I am now in supported housing. I am a keen activist / feminist who helps support women experiencing homelessness and volunteers within a group to help with period poverty whilst experiencing homelessness.

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Volunteering and Employment Women's Perspectives