Audio Stories

Why Report? by Charlie.

Reported by Charlie

Published on Monday, May 17th, 2021

Volunteering and Employment
Audio Stories

Why Report? by Charlie.

Written by Charlie

Published on Monday, May 17th, 2021

Volunteering and Employment

Audio Transcription. I’ve been asked why I do this. It gives me an outlet and the hope that my voice can be heard . I go round and see so many things that are wrong. Before, all I could do was vent my anger to the wind. Now this gives me a platform, where hopefully something I say, can make a difference. Where I can use my own experiences to push for change. I can talk to others and use their experiences and knowledge to push for change. I can report on what I see and by talking to others, report on what they see. Hopefully by getting enough reports through, things may change  for the better.

[this report was originally in written format. Charlie was asked to record it for use in On Our Radar’s training]


Written by Charlie

Charlie Radbourne has more than six years, peer support and advocacy experience. Sitting on many service user forums and local authority committees. Due to mental health problems, coming under CMHT and the crisis team, Charlie spent eight months sleeping rough and in the local night shelter, then four years in a hostel / supported accommodation.

Read all of Charlie's articles


Volunteering and Employment