Blogs Reports

A Tax Grab Too Far

Reported by Miles

Published on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024

Accommodation Bureaucracy
Blogs Reports

A Tax Grab Too Far

Written by Miles

Published on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024



So, as the budget looms ever closer, a reliable source has leaked a tax grab that blew me away when I heard it.

In order to get more social housing built and in circulation, why not add a 1% tax onto EXISTING social housing rents… to pay for new homes.

That’s correct. Those who may already be financially vulnerable, you pay a bit more, and we know you’ll have to, because you’ve experienced some form of homelessness in the past and the frightening prospects of going back to that is real.

So, this progressive tax policy is suitable you think… mmm… remember council tax rises a few years ago that added something like 3% to pay for social care… that went really well didn’t it!

The only common denominator for both of these, the word ‘social‘.

Thinktank ideas created in power dynamics , often misplaced hope, history tells us they’re doomed to just simply get more out of people’s pockets and never truly spent on what they are headlined as.

Here’s a thought for the thinktanks, mandarins et al… tax loopholes might be worth a check.

You know the play… those tax loopholes that people with money pay people in money to maximize saving their money, and keep it away from public purse.

As you read this, I hear many of you saying it takes time to change old behaviours, thinking or processes (I hope)… but starting at the easiest point is always how things play out (ask yourself, and disagree if you remember a different plan.)

I’m always sad reflecting on political games. Whatever the colour might be, true public service is delivering social value, not demonising humans’ lives and creating division.


Written by Miles

I'm Miles, dad of two, lived in York for 33 yrs whose overcome homelessness and addiction to become a local reporter for Groundswell since 2020 sharing my experience and thoughts on various aspects of my journey.

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Accommodation Bureaucracy