So, my health journey continues with my trip today to the teeth police, or dentists to be more polite.
Thankfully, I get a reasonable pass for my work! – although I could do better with my brushing technique, hence a recommendation to spend time with a hygienist on top of the £40 cost for today’s uncovering.
Given that it’s hard enough to find the £40, another £50 is making me sweat and wonder how the hell I’ll afford the second booking… I do make the booking, on the understanding that I can cancel it with a weeks’ notice.
So, on tonight’s plan, like normal, but highlighted by things today, a tin of soup, or pot noodle under the duvet with an hour’s jungle telly lighting up my flat walls and then sleep, dreaming of ways to budget, maybe make more savings… from where, I haven’t a clue, but I’m a creative bugger so all I can say is I hope to…. that’s the word I cling to… HOPE!