
When swabs for drug testing go wrong by Sheryle.

Reported by Sheryle

Published on Wednesday, May 26th, 2021

Healthcare Access Service Delivery Stigma

When swabs for drug testing go wrong by Sheryle.

Written by Sheryle

Published on Wednesday, May 26th, 2021

Healthcare Access

Service Delivery


Photo by Mat Amp Instagram @matamp67 

This report talks about substance use

False positive drug tests are a massive problem for people who can end up losing access to a child or their liberty as a result. I have also experienced a false positive which almost cost me a long term relationship. It is more common than anyone could imagine and as an addict nobody believes you when you tell them your are innocent. ‘Where there is smoke their is fire’ people will tell you. My answer to that is ‘there was loads of smoke at the disco last night – it was dry ice.’  Mat Amp [Project Coordinator]

I wanted to share this personal experience of mine to explain what happens and how a positive drug result can impact your life massively –  the consequences it brings and then having to prove your positive result was wrong .

I had to undergo a drug swab test for social services so I could look after my baby as I had a past in homelessness and alcohol addiction. I had stopped drinking and I was in recovery two months prior to finding out I was pregnant. All my drug and alcohol tests I had to take whilst I was pregnant and throughout my pregnancy were negative which proved I was abstinent and that I had taken no drugs.

I was asked to take a alcohol and drug swab after my baby was born in social services offices which I took . My result was positive for methadone .

The consequence of that result was my baby being removed and taken into care. I was distraught. I told them I had never touched methadone but they didn’t believe me because a drug swab test is gospel apparently.

I phoned my solicitor and arranged a hair strand test to be conducted which would take around 3-4 weeks . I took the hair strand test and of course it came back negative for all drugs including methadone. When I went back to court the judge granted me access to my baby but I had to fight to prove I was innocent.  Thankfully I won but the consequence was unnecessary separation from my baby .

I have never had a apology or any explanation of how this had happened . I’m glad I could prove this but how many other people has this happened to. How many other people have had their lives  completely changed by a false positive, How many other people have had their path in life negatively impacted because they couldn’t prove their innocence.

Written by Sheryle

I'm Sheryle Thomas. I live in London . I was homeless on/ off for 24 years. I am now in supported housing. I am a keen activist / feminist who helps support women experiencing homelessness and volunteers within a group to help with period poverty whilst experiencing homelessness.

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Healthcare Access Service Delivery Stigma