Blogs Reports

What does recovery mean to me?

Reported by Aaron

Published on Wednesday, November 30th, 2022

Recovery Substance Use
Blogs Reports

What does recovery mean to me?

Written by Aaron

Published on Wednesday, November 30th, 2022


Substance Use

 During an interview I did for Groundswell’s Manchester Patient Safety Project, I was asked the question, “what does recovery mean to you?” And I can recall my answer being something along these lines.

“I’ve not really experienced recovery for myself but i presume it’s about recovery from various forms of addiction’ 

Since then, I’ve had time to think about my answer, and while I accept that any response to this question has an element of subjectivity about it, I now realise that my entire perception and understanding of recovery was based on misconceptions and an element of stereotyping. 

My entire life has been built upon a series of episodes in which my own survival depended upon my strength of will and ability to heal from repeated adverse, traumatic experience.  The physical and sexual abuse I suffered as a very young child, the death of my baby daughter, being diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and becoming homeless are the most important of these experiences, but they are by no means the only issues I’ve had to cope with.   They are events that literally were, at the time, life or death situations, and together they have shaped me into the person I am today.

I am still healing, or recovering if you wish but recently I’ve allowed my perceptions to change which has allowed me to seek help from other sources, sources I never would have considered before. My pathway through life is still continuing, and despite my reluctance, I’ve learned to share my experiences and this small thing has made my journey that much easier.


Image  by Issi Nash ‘Sometimes Life Has Other Ideas’ 2022, charcoal on paper, 85 x 60cm



Written by Aaron

Hey everyone, pleased to meet you all. I'm currently reporting from the Bolton area. I have a degree in Psychology and Sociology and for many years worked in the care sector specialising in paranoid schizophrenia and bi-polar disorders. During this time I also achieved my NVQ lvl 4 in Health and Social Care. Additionally I specialised in caring for children and adults with severe autism and severe learning disabilities. I am fluent in makaton and PECS, both systems designed to promote the development of speech for those who are not able to communicate successfully. I hope to use my time alongside my Groundswell colleagues to enact changes in our current broken and underfunded system of support.

Read all of Aaron's articles


Recovery Substance Use

One thought on “What does recovery mean to me?

  1. Strongest person I know.
    I’ve known you for a very long time and I think the you now is the strongest that I have ever seen you.
    Talking about your past your daughter everything, is just the therapy you needed.
    Actually I’ll change that comment and say this job is what you needed. Get your stories I know your passionate about alot of things.
    Go go go. We’ll done ✔️

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