Audio Stories

Relapses are part of recovery by Charlie.

Reported by Charlie

Published on Thursday, April 15th, 2021

Recovery Substance Use
Audio Stories

Relapses are part of recovery by Charlie.

Written by Charlie

Published on Thursday, April 15th, 2021


Substance Use

 Photo by Mat Amp Instagram@matamp67

Please note: This article talks about addiction and relapse.




Charlie talks about the need for patience and understanding when working with addicts. The need to understand that relapses are part of the recovery journey is key to allowing people to make their recovery stick.

There are going to be lapses and you’ve got to take that into account, where they’re going to get knocked back. But the one thing I guarantee you, if you carry on working with them and please carry on working with them, if you carry on working with them those lapses will grow in distance, they will grow from say a couple of weeks into months. And eventually, if you keep working with them, they will grow into years and years.

When they get their own support it works because when you release them out, you make sure they have their own support network out there with them and they use their own support network to to carry that on when you getting to a certain point. But there will always be lapses, you literally just gotta keep …I guarantee those lapses will grow in time. They will grow in distance over time.


Written by Charlie

Charlie Radbourne has more than six years, peer support and advocacy experience. Sitting on many service user forums and local authority committees. Due to mental health problems, coming under CMHT and the crisis team, Charlie spent eight months sleeping rough and in the local night shelter, then four years in a hostel / supported accommodation.

Read all of Charlie's articles


Recovery Substance Use