Audio Stories

The Twisted Reward System by Steve

Reported by Steve

Published on Thursday, March 4th, 2021

Identity Recovery Substance Use Trauma Volunteering and Employment
Audio Stories

The Twisted Reward System by Steve

Written by Steve

Published on Thursday, March 4th, 2021



Substance Use


Volunteering and Employment

Steve talks about the difficulty with making change stick and the pull of addiction. His experience is the reason he has his job but it is also the thing that could trip him up. This is the struggle that all addicts face every second of every day ‘it’s exhausting’.

Written by Steve

Steve joined the Listen Up project as a volunteer, initially working on the Call and Check project before becoming a volunteer on the Covid Monitoring Project. When Listen Up was launched Steve successfully applied for one of the new Project Officer posts. Although he enjoyed the role he decided his skills were best suited to volunteering at this time. As a result he is once again a volunteer reporter and has now done the HHPA [Homeless Health Peer Advocate] training which allows him to advocate for vulnerable people, helping them to access health care in a way that is best for them. Steve has roots in Manchester but travelling and meeting people from all walks of life while discussing the price of chips is something that Steve would describe as a perfect day! As a result he has recently moved to London.

Read all of Steve's articles


Identity Recovery Substance Use Trauma Volunteering and Employment