I want report on a few people in York who are driving change if you’ll allow me, so please read on… if you have time.
One is leading a new way of community-led recovery support, determined, driven by the need to do things differently.
Another, supporting writing our city’s drug and alcohol strategy for the next five years and helping choose the provider to deliver it.
One sits on regular interview panels for new directors of various Local Authority departments, whilst working within a new CIC created to challenge existing practices, policies and ways of working to offer solutions for our citizens to access more freely.
Another, a leading light in a brand new JRF initiative to tackle poverty and injustice across the city.
One has managed to pull together a group of people with complex diverse mental health issues to drive change in Mental Health Service across North Yorkshire.
All are in decent independent paid roles. All are energetic, creative, passionate, visionary, dogged, all those qualities you’d expect when real change needs to happen.
These people have fabulous skill sets, from previous experiences as teachers, PhD researchers, bank managers, art therapists and social care professionals, to name a few.
They talk simple language, not acronyms, they’re not focused on risk of failure, they look at solutions not barriers, and they don’t accept the word of authority or “we thank you sharing your thoughts.”
They DO things… not theory.
So, are you still reading and wondering why let’s see…… they didn’t apply for their roles, didn’t get interviewed by established ways of getting work…. they created their roles, each of them independently.
Their bond, commonality…
All have had direct experience in the last few years of homelessness, trauma, mental health challenges and recovery from addiction; and re-entered society, labels and all.
That’s what drives real change, people with direct experience of fractured systems, working alongside other professionals, hand in hand, equal opportunities, sharing vision and handing power to local communities to make collective decisions about their lifestyles and future
That’s why these individuals do what they do, and I’m grateful to know each and every one of them.
My message to businesses, government, commissioners, funders, statutory services and general society… you have untapped genius amongst your community – your task, if you choose to accept it – find them before they find you out.
We’ve always been here, you just haven’t chosen to find us, or, you chose to use our generosity for free to enhance your own interests professionally.
Here’s to a great 2024, join our camp, all tents, yurts, vans can apply and will be welcomed with a warm hug