Blogs Reports

The story behind the story: ‘New home in an old space’ and ‘The footsteps of the past’

Reported by Anon 1

Published on Monday, September 30th, 2024

Accommodation Listen Up
Blogs Reports

The story behind the story: ‘New home in an old space’ and ‘The footsteps of the past’

Written by Anon 1

Published on Monday, September 30th, 2024


Listen Up

I would like to reflect on two reports I wrote three years ago, A new home in an old space and The footsteps of the past.

At the time, I was still taking in the fact that we’d ended up in an accommodation only a short distance from a place connected to a difficult memory.

It was walking distance from a church that had hosted us in a night shelter four years before when we were homeless. Every time I came home, I had to pass this church. The memory of this church was not too bad as such, because this particular night shelter was a friendly place and the people there were friendly and kind. However, the memory of homelessness itself was not something I was keen to be reminded of on daily basis.

On the positive side, the whole area and the church and its yard were beautiful, so I actually felt privileged to end up in that area when I moved into more permanent accommodation.

At the time of writing the original reports, I was learning to embrace the beauty of the area and experience it for the picturesque space it really was and still is. I would go for regular walks to the churchyard and enjoy all the calmness, flowers, architecture and history. I would regularly take pictures of the flowers and the trees as well as the church and the impressive historical gravestones in there.

I was delighted to be living so close to this pretty place. However, then I decided to face my demons from the past and find the actual night shelter building and see it again with fresh eyes. I also wanted to retrace my steps from the past, when we used to walk to the night shelter every Wednesday evening at the time we were homeless.

I found the building and the narrow path through the graves. It felt so different on a warm summer day, walking around ‘light’, with just a camera in my hand. In the winter days in years gone by, when we were homeless, cold, tired and carried all things we needed in a suitcase, it did not feel this light.

So, this is how The footsteps of the past came about.

I thought I would take my phone and try to recreate on film what it felt like to walk through the graveyard at night in a heavy rain, which was how often things were when we were homeless, heading to the night shelter.

How telling this story helped

Being able to share my experience as well as point out the contrast between the beauty of a lovely green space on a summer afternoon and the scariness of it on a dark rainy evening helped me to deal with the situation better.

It helped me to shake off the night shelter feeling and see the place for what it was and still is now: a beautiful and peaceful space to enjoy lovely walks.

I still live in this home nearby the church and I still enjoy living in the area and walking around the churchyard.

I am also happy that my cats live there with me and they enjoy our little outings walking in the green yard in front of our house. However, this would then be for another story about my report, How my cats kept me sane during difficult times.



The three-year Listen Up! project will be completed in September 2024. We are proud of what we have achieved and look forward to seeing what comes next at Groundswell and On Our Radar and for the community reporters. 

You can see other reports reflecting on what we have achieved and gained in this project under the tag Listen Up

The Listen Up! Hub and our insights and resources will be archived online for all to use. 

If you have any questions for Listen Up! or any community reporters, or you’re interested in joining our end of project celebrations, please get in touch at 

Written by Anon 1

People experiencing homelessness are almost always inaccurately depicted throughout all media platforms. Stereotypes of homelessness are perpetuated in the media more than anything. News outlets, for one, too often take the humanity out of the information they provide. This project enables me to feel listened to and be part of the drive for positive change. I've gained new skills and met new people. It gives me sense of being connected and improves my confidence.

Read all of Anon 1's articles


Accommodation Listen Up