Microreports Reports

Recovery is a Journey

Reported by Aaron

Published on Thursday, December 1st, 2022

Microreports Reports

Recovery is a Journey

Written by Aaron

Published on Thursday, December 1st, 2022


Recovery is often a journey. It took me quite a while to learn that. But once I did my perception of life changed forever and I was able to begin to heal. 


Image by Mat Amp Instagram @matamp67

Written by Aaron

Hey everyone, pleased to meet you all. I'm currently reporting from the Bolton area. I have a degree in Psychology and Sociology and for many years worked in the care sector specialising in paranoid schizophrenia and bi-polar disorders. During this time I also achieved my NVQ lvl 4 in Health and Social Care. Additionally I specialised in caring for children and adults with severe autism and severe learning disabilities. I am fluent in makaton and PECS, both systems designed to promote the development of speech for those who are not able to communicate successfully. I hope to use my time alongside my Groundswell colleagues to enact changes in our current broken and underfunded system of support.

Read all of Aaron's articles

