Audio Stories Reports

Off the Wrag

Reported by Charlie

Published on Thursday, October 5th, 2023

Mental Health Physical Health Recovery Welfare Benefits
Audio Stories Reports

Off the Wrag

Written by Charlie

Published on Thursday, October 5th, 2023

Mental Health

Physical Health


Welfare Benefits



Right, we’ve got the government doing away with the working capabilities assessment. Which has got to be gone by 2025, but the people on the old ESA being moved on to Universal Credit are being hit with it now.  

There are two groups of people on ESA. One is full supported, and things generally won’t change there, but there is a group in between which is people who are called Working Related Activity Group and these are the people that are going to get really hurt on this. Because most of them are people who may have mental health problems and they are recovering from it and this benefit gives them time to recover so that they can return to work. They are going to have that peace of mind taken away from them when this benefit is abolished as they are going to have to search for work straight away. 

They are going to lose money and they are going to be forced into conditions where they may be mentally incapable of coping. 

Some will suffer badly through this draconian way of working. 

People will die from this because they are people that are trying to get better, working their hardest to get themselves better, so that they can return to mainstream life. Now they are going to be forced into mainstream life and people out there are frightened by it. 


Please Read this written piece by Charlie on the same subject

Written by Charlie

Charlie Radbourne has more than six years, peer support and advocacy experience. Sitting on many service user forums and local authority committees. Due to mental health problems, coming under CMHT and the crisis team, Charlie spent eight months sleeping rough and in the local night shelter, then four years in a hostel / supported accommodation.

Read all of Charlie's articles


Mental Health Physical Health Recovery Welfare Benefits