Well, I’ve just woken up, lived my dream through last night and I’m nervous what will the film be today…my packed head will decide no doubt.
Might it be Jonny from The Shining – acting more and more weirdly, his head delving deep down into his past causing chaos for everyone💣
It could be Eliot from ET – full of hopes and dreams of a place we know nothing about yet, but finding a beautiful, unexpected friendship🛸.
Maybe Jon from Green Mile – a kind giant of a man, wrongly accused, yet shared his gift (not understood by others) freely, to care and have compassion for others, yet still faced the ultimate injustice of death with dignity 💚.
Or, it might be Bond – an aspirational superhero for some, wearing the many masks of daring, bravery and charm yet hiding the real feelings of childhood trauma, lost loves, loneliness and heartbreak. 🪂
Finally, Edward from Pretty Woman – the ultimate player!!! .. full of apparent confidence (or arrogance) who is so lost and destroyed through a lack of family love he breaks things (companies), preying on vulnerability, treating people with contempt, yet is desperate for connection – and has to be shown a new way to live without fear of judgement by possibly the unlikeliest source to those around him🎲
I don’t know what my head will fill up with, what I do know is I’ve played them all in the past, present and no doubt future.
Dream vividly tonight, and make sure you keep safe…… calm down dear, life’s not just a commercial…😂
Miles 🦓
(I apologise for my older head film choices)(please insert your own)