This report reflects on what Miles has done for Listen Up! and what they have gained from this.
Two years ago, an invitation to attend
Join Listen Up, and meet some new friends
Come along and share your thoughts
Stories, experience… all the warts
In addiction, I lived in continuous friction
Being homeless, each day I felt hopeless
The shell of my body, purpose – to simply get voddy
Spiritually empty, no dignity left
Purpose, values, decency bereft
From street, to hostel, the journey took place, three years later finally in my own space.
My outlook got brighter, the new version of me… a Listen Up writer.
Two years in… where am I now
I’ve learned so much, bish bash bosh, even kapow💥
Writing stories from near and afar
Fears, emotions unleashed from the jar
Being a reporter gave me voice and reason to get at it
Some of the topics were tough and traumatic
Being supported was a license to be bold
Those horrors, situations previously untold
I grew like the others… my new sisters, my brothers
We’ve laughed and cried and even fought
Reflecting on moments from things I never got taught
My style has improved
From when it was crude
I’m more eloquent now… ‘how now brown cow’ 🐄
This last post, the one I’ll be sending
Sadly because this project is ending
The prose, the learns, the friendships I chose
They’re staying within me, where once I froze
I’m full of gratitude for the chance to share this.
The whole Groundswell family, I send you each a hug and a kiss.
My final hope… ‘what Listen Up hath joined together, let not man put asunder…’
(however…if you happen to be a deep pocketed visionary new funder… 🤭)
The three-year Listen Up! project will be completed in September 2024. We are proud of what we have achieved and look forward to seeing what comes next at Groundswell and On Our Radar and for the community reporters.
You can see other reports reflecting on what we have achieved and gained in this project under the tag Listen Up
The Listen Up! Hub and our insights and resources will be archived online for all to use.
If you have any questions for Listen Up! or any community reporters, or you’re interested in joining our end of project celebrations, please get in touch at