

Reported by Karen

Published on Thursday, June 16th, 2022

Isolation Mental Health


Written by Karen

Published on Thursday, June 16th, 2022


Mental Health

My Mindset dictates my loneliness. Sometimes I can feel lonely in a crowded room and for me loneliness is more about my state of mind than having people around me. It’s a feeling of insecurity and low self esteem.

Feeling awkward, a square peg in a round hole or what’s the point anyway? It’s exactly how I felt as a child, that same hole in my soul, that void. Then in the same breath I can be the life and soul of the party, bursting with confidence and right in the centre of everything and the only thing that’s changed is my mindset. For me the feeling of loneliness depends on how my mental health is. 


Written by Karen

I'm Karen from Manchester it's great to meet you all. I'm a recovering alcoholic,
I experienced a short time of homelessness many years ago, I'm a survivor of domestic abuse and I'm happy to say I've come through it all.
I volunteered at a local Alcohol and Substance Abuse centre where I qualified as a Peer Mentor.
I now care for my elderly dad who is housebound and I feel blessed to be able and well enough to do this.
I hope as part of this Community Reporting team our stories can contribute to making a difference to homelessness and health inequalities and shine a light on any other injustices we come across.

Read all of Karen's articles


Isolation Mental Health