
‘Like camping’

Reported by Denise

Published on Thursday, November 9th, 2023


‘Like camping’

Written by Denise

Published on Thursday, November 9th, 2023


Many moons ago, as a newly emerging writer, I wrote about a woman in America who lived under a bridge.

To keep her spirits up, and to try and stay optimistic, she would tell herself on bad days that it was “just like camping”.

We both knew that it wasn’t… ”Like camping” didn’t even come close to how she was living.

To go camping means that you get an actual pitch for your tent… It means that no-one comes to move you on, calls you names or steals your things.

You don’t get pissed on in the night.

“Going camping” means access to clean drinking water; it means toilet, laundry and shower facilities… it means that you don’t have to get dehydrated, get a UTI or make like a bear and shit in the woods.


You and your clothes get to stay clean…


But the absolute best thing about “going camping”?


Some of us actually get to go home…

Written by Denise

Denise Harrison is an award-winning writer and film-maker, whose writing career began back in 2017 when she was newly in recovery and living in a homeless hostel. As a way to cope in an ever-changing and often challenging environment (and also as a way to understand herself and to try and make peace with her demons) she began to write, and her website "Just A Girl-My Life" ( was born.
Next came her short, dark, animated film "This Is Depression" which won 8 film awards and accolades, and which was the spark that lit the proverbial fire and kick-started her career as an artist who pulls no punches with her brutally honest stories of mental health, homelessness and addiction.
She has 18 awards to date... both as a writer and as a film-maker, is a public speaker, mental health advocate, activist and campaigner and is also beyond proud to be an associate on the world's first cultural leadership programme founded by Arts and Homelessness International.
She is a community reporter for the Listen Up! project,  and shares her knowledge and her story in the hope that others can be inspired, and take heart in knowing that recovery is possible.

Read all of Denise's articles

