“In a world where you can be anything, be kind”
What a lovely quote by author Clare Pooley, simple but powerful.
In this chaotic fast-paced world we live in, where we are too busy for one another, especially when times are difficult, I can’t help but notice there’s a lack of kindness. When I do see acts of kindness it’s usually given by those who have the least and who are already a little broken themselves.
Kindness should be given unconditionally from the heart, without any expectations of gratitude. A good turn or thoughtful gesture shouldn’t be carried out publicly to simply feed one’s ego and give self-recognition, it should be given with humility and compassion.
Kindness should come spontaneously from within, and it comes in all shapes and sizes. A simple smile or a hug can make someone’s day feel brighter. Listening to someone’s problem can give hope and help lift a heavy load. A simple posy of handpicked flowers or a bag of sweets can make a big difference to someone experiencing a bad day. Kindness is free and we all have a supply of it, but many people are selfish and self-centred, they wouldn’t dream of thinking of others and sharing a bit of joy.
The most precious Acts of Kindness I’ve ever experienced have been from members of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), a fellowship I’ve been part of for nearly eight years.
In the early days I received nothing but love, people genuinely cared about me, the greatest gift was their ‘time.’ Yes, people actually made time for me, they listened to my fears, problems and shame. A fellow alcoholic offered to take me through the steps (my Sponsor). Again, she gave her time freely to help guide me to live ‘life on life’s terms’, something I had always struggled with.
Our primary purpose in AA is to help others and before going through the steps we make a promise that we will sponsor other suffering alcoholics, so the kindness is passed down from member to member. Kindness is one of the common threads that weaves through the fellowship. It wouldn’t survive without it.
I love this piece. I think too often we get caught in a cycle. People aren’t kind to us so we aren’t kind to others.