Blogs Reports

Illegally Evicted and Family support [Part 15]

Reported by Andrea

Published on Thursday, December 7th, 2023

Emergency Accommodation Eviction Support and Relationships
Blogs Reports

Illegally Evicted and Family support [Part 15]

Written by Andrea

Published on Thursday, December 7th, 2023

Emergency Accommodation


Support and Relationships

Please read the previous report in this series here

 Homelessness is not a lifestyle choice because it is not a life that anybody would actually choose.   

Over this period, I have had time to reflect on and process what has happened to me. If it wasn’t for my family and friends, I would literally be on the streets. At no time was I offered any interim temporary accommodation, even though I had no phone to contact anyone to find out if I could stay with them.  

I was not given any lists of hostels, B & B or hotels to find anywhere to stay for the night. It was just assumed that I could stay with family and friends for an unlimited amount of time. There has been no consideration taken by the council that I could be putting people at risk through breaching their tenancy agreements by having me staying with them. 

I don’t feel like there is much urgency in supporting me due to me not meeting all of the priority checks, regardless of the fact this is the only council I have ever received housing from.

Whether I agree with it or not, I do understand why there is some hostility from people experiencing homelessness towards those who are getting housed. In many respects it is the way that the mainstream media frames the issue of refugees and immigrants getting housed rather than holding successive governments to account for their ongoing failure to build enough houses and provide enough social housing.   

Not many of my family and friends know about my current situation. I’ve felt drained and haven’t been communicating much by phone but those who do know have been incredibly supportive, compassionate and understanding when it comes to the impact of this illegal eviction on my mental and physical health.   

I could never thank them enough for what they have done for me, including letting me stay with them and feeding me as I am short of funds. No one ever talks about the impact an eviction can have on people’s families and friends and I am grateful for everyone I have in my life.  

I owe it to them to keep fighting. The council take advantage of the fact that if you’re born in the UK you’re more likely to be able to stay at family and friends regardless of the fact we’re currently going through a cost-of-living crisis, with wages failing to rise in line with inflation.   

Right now, everything costs more, including your bills, food and energy. What if you’re estranged from your family and friends the way that some people are because they are fleeing abuse, battling addiction or seeking asylum. These people are often left to the streets and told they’re not a priority but there is just not the political will to help.  

Governments need to change the priority list to include single people. It is a human right to have access to housing but right now in this country it is a right that we don’t have access to.  

To add to that we have the now ex home secretary stating that homelessness is a lifestyle choice. No one chooses to be homeless. It is a horrible thing to experience, having to walk around with our belongings. And there is always the chance the we will either loose access to where our belongings are stored or loose them altogether.  

And to add to this there is the stress of not knowing if we will have to get rid of some of our belongings after moving into unsuitable housing, or face the choice of  either having to give up a beloved pet or remain on the streets for longer.

This is not a lifestyle choice because it is not a life that anybody would actually choose.   



Image by Mat Amp [Instagram @matamp67]

Written by Andrea

I am a freelance journalist interested in empowering vulnerable communities to have their stories heard

Read all of Andrea's articles


Emergency Accommodation Eviction Support and Relationships