
Human Rights, Human Wrongs

Reported by Y.C.G.

Published on Friday, December 15th, 2023

Human Rights

Human Rights, Human Wrongs

Written by Y.C.G.

Published on Friday, December 15th, 2023

Human Rights

Y.C.G’s written report gives a summary and timeline of the history of human rights. It then creatively explores the complexities of human rights and wrongs; formed through YCG’s experience of life, spirituality, society, people and human nature.


The purpose of the article is to increase awareness and education on human rights. Our conscience is quick to judge and see things as either right or wrong. It was written to unravel the complexities of humanities’ laws and codes which were created to give justice to individuals in society. Please look out for the link below with a list of British human rights through history, they are endless. 


Human entities, guests on Mother Earth, dealing with

Their dignities.

The Rights and the wrongs without end.


The Burning Sun, perpetually.

The dignified Luna, Waning and

Waxing, appearing and disappearing.


Followed by the stellars.

Twinkling in obscurity.

Billions of years ago…


Appreciation, in accordance to research,

The scientists of all backgrounds and sizes.

To their analytics, such as:


Magma, Continents, Oceans,

Weather forecastings.

Dwelling on this Oxygen Orb….


Basic survival, followed by legal entitlements.

Carved in Rocks and Tablets… manufactured by

Thick ink stained on exquisite

Amber parchments and papyruses.


At that point, contemporary digitalis,

Stored in mirrors, click the button,

Et voila!……..


Based on shared values.


 Some Birth Privileges:







  Some Key terms:






A history of human rights in Britain, by EHRC


Supervisions and appraisals, in due times?


All individuals’ ability to be part and benefit from society.

It’s economic, social, and cultural options.

Those adequate standards of obscurity,

From dusk to dawn.


Good Physical and Mental Health.

Reasonable Education.


Acceptable conditions. Social Security.

Participation not Isolation,

in cultural life and traditions.


Enjoying the benefits of:

Scientific Technological Progress.

Construction, Destruction.

Through concrete, Reconstruction.

The options are Endless!


A fair hearing for the billions.


Conscience, Spirituality,

Religion, Gatherings.

Mind, Body, Spirit,

Against all-odds.


Hello! Can you Hear me?

Considering Decrees.!

Guides of Moral conducts,

And Time-lines.

From vintage cultures and tribes.

Oomph! Our contemporary Century,

Facts or Fake News.


Lest we Forget!


Gratitude to all.



Written by Y.C.G.

Landed as a Human Being, Here on Earth in 1967 contemporary era. Linguistics consisting as Alien, French, English. Please choice at Demand and Supply, subject to availability on a daily basis. Educational curriculum in France, tick! Hospitality for three ages, sailor for twelve moons, swimming the seven seas, support worker for Aeons. On a journey following the four seasons, slowly or quickly, pretty vagrant, now I am…to be to continued. Gratitude to Groundswell.

Read all of Y.C.G.'s articles


Human Rights