Audio Stories

Fellowship meetings f2f v remote by Miles

Reported by Miles

Published on Wednesday, April 14th, 2021

Community Digital Inclusion/Exclusion Recovery Substance Use
Audio Stories

Fellowship meetings f2f v remote by Miles

Written by Miles

Published on Wednesday, April 14th, 2021


Digital Inclusion/Exclusion


Substance Use

Miles mulls over the introduction of remote fellowship meetings and considers the impact of meetings that will allow people to attend both in person as well as online. Mat Amp [Groundswell’s point of contact for community reporters]

Whilst everyone is excited for a pint with friends. I too am excited about seeing friends in person too.

Yet mine are the Zoom recovery family I’ve grown up with in the last twelve months or so. Are they who I’ve seen on the screen, tall or short, wearing joggers or pj’s 😊 I’ll find out soon.

As I’m now 51 and technophobic, I was initially scared to use online meetings, fearful I’d break my phone, cut people off mid sentence, look stupid. I was surprised by my resilience in sticking with it rather than sulking cuz it wouldn’t be as good as in person.

There’s the debate. Online versus f2f – who is coming, will we lose connections. It gives us the perfect excuse to isolate.

What I’ve concluded is that my recovery comes first, how and whatever way. I need to make sure it works for me. Others shield away from zoom and have managed with phone calls, some simply tried on their own and struggled, some relapsed sadly, some have passed away.

In my fellowship, we’re arranging for dual connection around meetings – f2f together with a zoom live link. Will that work, attract people who shielded previously, bring in new family members or will my newer family members find it scary to do f2f as they’ve grown up exclusively online?

I can’t speak for anyone else, only my truth, which is I’m that I’m so excited to meet up again, have a hug, a cuppa and put a face to everyone! I’ll still connect with others across the UK and wider by Zoom meetings which introduce me to new shares, stories, perspectives and hope.

So enjoy that pint if that works for you and keep strong and safe on your walk with life.

Written by Miles

I'm Miles, dad of two, lived in York for 33 yrs whose overcome homelessness and addiction to become a local reporter for Groundswell since 2020 sharing my experience and thoughts on various aspects of my journey.

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Community Digital Inclusion/Exclusion Recovery Substance Use