Hello everyone, its John Chiko. So today I will be talking about the third emotion of the future and my favourite one, Charisma. Now this one is my favourite one, because it is one all the great gods, Kings, Queens, all those that have become great, have. Charisma is defined in the dictionary as “compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others” and “a divinely conferred power or talent”. It is a personal quality of presence or charm that others find compelling. I love this emotion or this ability because of its ability to inspire people and its ability to put you into a position of power. It has the superstar effect, so to speak.
Every great salesman is charismatic for instance, they will make you believe whatever product or service, because they make you believe in them. Others use charisma to promote causes and to start movements that bring great influence upon the world. I believe this emotion is something most necessary in creating movement that promotes the abolition of homelessness. We need charismatic people that can educate people on why homelessness must be challenged and how it affects them. I believe that charismatic people are a great asset in any organisation with the right training and education.
If I could sum up charisma in two short statements, it would be “I Have Arrived” and “I Shall Lead The Way”. It is the greatest sign of a leader in my opinion, a sign of someone that is capable of achieving great things. If so, would it not be wise to have people with this quality in the battle against homelessness, people with the ability to convince people about causes that are righteous and in the interest of the public. I believe that homelessness is a problem that is shared by the community, not by individuals experiencing it, as it reflects a structural and community issue that can possibly affect you. If people understood this, then perhaps they would be more willing to do something about it.
Charisma is usually cultivated within self-confident people that are driven by a cause or a believe system, it could be religious, political, or spiritual. I believe that if groups and organisations in the fight against homelessness find confident people that are driven by causes and beliefs that align with that mission, then more can be achieved in the battle. Having a home and shelter should be a human right in our current age, if we can figure out how to get into space, then we should be able to figure out how to get everyone housed. I am sure that there are people that do want to figure it out, but we need to get together first.
Charisma and the people imbued by it are great assets in any cause. Our cause to end homelessness requires people like this to truly gain traction, for it is the people that we must convince to put their time and energy to face this great challenge.