Blogs Reports

Class, Status, Money and Power

Reported by Karen

Published on Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022

Human Rights Stigma Women's Perspectives
Blogs Reports

Class, Status, Money and Power

Written by Karen

Published on Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022

Human Rights


Women's Perspectives

We are a nation obsessed with Class, Status, Money and Power. Apparently these are what decides our worth as a human being and in most cases dictates our standard of living, our goals and achievements but most of all our dreams. In result of this pathetic mindset we are a nation of snobs who have the audacity to assume they are superior to others on the premise of their Wealth, Education and Class etc.

We know the divide between Classes. Rich versus Poor is widening but I’m sure this can be resolved at the ballot box, but what can we do about Snobbery?? Snobbery is nothing more than bullying, it’s cruel, damaging, degrading and pompous. To look down on a fellow human being with disgust, disapproval and making that person feel inadequate, less than or not worthy is atrocious behaviour and has to stop.

Unfortunately, this attitude of superiority runs deep, its bred into each generation. So when I read an article stating “Class discrimination should be treated as seriously as Racism or Sexism” and that the British Psychological Society call for the Equality Law to include Class, I was so excited because these ideas are just the tip of the iceberg its sign that things will change. Yes, it’ll be extremely slow but at least we’re going in the right direction. We’ll never rid the country of Snobs there will always those who will judge and ridicule others it’s in their nature, but if we are protected by law, it can only be a positive.

Written by Karen

I'm Karen from Manchester it's great to meet you all. I'm a recovering alcoholic,
I experienced a short time of homelessness many years ago, I'm a survivor of domestic abuse and I'm happy to say I've come through it all.
I volunteered at a local Alcohol and Substance Abuse centre where I qualified as a Peer Mentor.
I now care for my elderly dad who is housebound and I feel blessed to be able and well enough to do this.
I hope as part of this Community Reporting team our stories can contribute to making a difference to homelessness and health inequalities and shine a light on any other injustices we come across.

Read all of Karen's articles


Human Rights Stigma Women's Perspectives

One thought on “Class, Status, Money and Power

  1. Great post Karen I totally agree: classism should definately be treated like other forms of bigotry and bias, it astounds me it aint. But that would meaning disciplining most of the government as their policies amount to classism enacted by law …..

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