At August’s reporter meeting, we had an icebreaker of “what advice would you give to everyone here”. It was so good, we wanted to share our advice with everyone…
- Listen
- Don’t sweat the small stuff
- Learn how to speak up for yourself
- Be honest where you can, if you don’t understand be honest and find the bravery to ask for help
- Find something every day that will make you laugh
- Follow your instincts, it can often tell us a lot
- Be kind to yourself. If you find that hard, think how would speak to a friend
- Drink water and get a good night sleep
- Embrace the work Groundswell is doing- it’s been a fantastic journey
- Ask if you don’t understand something, go with gut feeling and have a go
- Think about how you would like to be spoken to, focus on how would like to be treated, take a breath and try and be the best version of yourself
- Celebrate successes- “somewhere there is a past you overflowing with so much pride looking at how far you’ve come”
Thank you for sharing such helpful advice, it put a smile on my face during this grey Friday morning!