Audio Stories Reports

Digital Learning through cafes

Reported by Charlie

Published on Friday, June 2nd, 2023

Digital Inclusion/Exclusion
Audio Stories Reports

Digital Learning through cafes

Written by Charlie

Published on Friday, June 2nd, 2023

Digital Inclusion/Exclusion




There’s a difference at the moment. There are a lot of people who are computer illiterate but nowadays people start using tablets and phones from a very early age So, its not so much of a problem for them as it used to be for the older generation who have never used them and have never been brought up with them.

They have real trouble accessing digital devices, real trouble working on them and they get sanctioned constantly because of it. But with the younger ones they are using computers from a very early age and I think things are going to change over the next ten years where people are going through and leaving school and getting in to problems because of trauma in their youth.

But there is always going to be people who are computer illiterate and there needs to be a system where people can get trained.  

Again the library used to do this.  Not like the job centre. It has got to be an open place. I think where you have got all these cafes that open up that they …I meant the type of community cafes where people experiencing homelessness can go and get a bite to eat, they should be dual places where people can go and they can get access to a tablet and someone who knows how to work the tablets so they can bring people through and help these people understand what they are doing and navigate stuff like the journals.   

So there are lots of cafes that are open for people on low income and are homeless but all they do is give em food. But in this day and age people need more than food. To get their own life together and to gain their independence they also have their benefits.

So these places should also open up and provide someone who is technologically savvy and teaches people how to work on the tablets, and teach people what to do when they get in to problems. And also provide the hardware for people so that they can gain access to the digital world. 

I think it is a trick missed by a lot of these community cafes right now.     

Written by Charlie

Charlie Radbourne has more than six years, peer support and advocacy experience. Sitting on many service user forums and local authority committees. Due to mental health problems, coming under CMHT and the crisis team, Charlie spent eight months sleeping rough and in the local night shelter, then four years in a hostel / supported accommodation.

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Digital Inclusion/Exclusion